
Friday, December 12, 2014

Jj is for...

"J" is for...
We talked about the letter J.  We practiced writing the letter in the air as well as on our papers and then made a J book.
 We used finger paints to put handprints on our papers.  As soon as we were done we flipped our papers over so that our hand prints now looked like jelly fish!  We attempted to draw eyes on our jelly fish.
 The best part of jello is that it starts with "J"
We took cookie cutters and cut shapes out of the jello and the best part was eating it!
These kiddos loved the jello! 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

K is for Kangaroo and King!!

Letter K week started out with tracing our Letter K and talking about "k" words.  We were sad to see Camilla move, but we are so happy Lynlee is in school with us now!  She is a great addition!

We read Curious George Feeds the Animals to see what kind of "K" animals George would meet at the zoo.  We found a koala bear, and a kangaroo!  We spent some time talking about what makes kangaroos different from boys and girls.  We discovered kangaroos have pouches, really long tails, and they up a lot.

Then we made kangaroo paper bag puppets (joey included!)

And then we went outside (to enjoy this amazing December weather!) with our very own kangaroo pouches to find letter K's out in the yard!  I scattered letters A-K throughout the yard, and the kids were only allowed to put K in their pouch.  It was a hit!  And so cute to watch them get excited when they found the right letter, stick it in their pouch, and then hop away!

On day two of letter K, we created K's with fuzzies (Max was very excited and finished his while waiting for everyone to arrive)

Then we read the story of Teddy Koala Bear's Secret, about a Koala bear who lives in England, but takes a secret tunnel to Australia every night and meets up with his friends, a kangaroo and a kookaburra bird.  

Our two last activities were sizing--matching up small, medium, and large kings with their small, medium and large crowns, and then also matching up shapes (circle, square, and triangle) on a letter K crown.  Then snacks and outside to enjoy playing!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Ii is for...

This last week we discussed the letter "I".  We started out the day by practicing writing the letter  in the air and then practiced writing it on our papers.  We talked about words that start with I like insect, Iguana, igloo, and ink pad and made little books with pictures of these items.
 They all practiced writing the letter "I"

 We finished off our morning by reading, "I is for Iguana"  and then gluing marshmallows to a picture of an igloo. 
Most of the marshmallows ended up in our tummies!!
 Calvin and Max
 Camille and Jessa
On Thursday, the week before Thanksgiving, We talked about Indians.
We talked about the first thanksgiving and how the Indians helped the pilgrims.
First we colored a picture of and Indian and then used our scissors to cut along the dotted lines to make a four piece puzzle with our picture.
 For our last activity of the day we made Indian feather hats.  We talked about what color each feather was as it was connected to our hat and even ran around the living room and made Indian noises.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The letter H..

For the letter H, we made houses. We taped pieces of paper in the form of an H and then added roofs on top. They turned out really good!!
After making our H houses we practiced writing the letter H on the white board. The kids did so well writing the letter and while they practiced writing, we named things that start with the letter H. 

The other thing we did for the letter H was filling the letter H with cutout hearts. 
We also glued Popsicle sticks on paper. They turned out really well!!

Friday, October 31, 2014

F is for Flower

We started out the morning coloring our letter "F"s and repeating the "f" sound with words:  "F is for Frog,  F is for farmer, F is for fruit," etc.

Then we focused on "F is for Flowers!"
We glued our noodle flowers onto plates and painted and decorated them.

next we sang our flower song (sung to the tune of Frair Jaques):
How do flowers grow?  
How do flowers grow?
Big and tall?  
Big and tall?

Lots of sun and water, 
dirt and air,
Watch them grow!
Watch them grow!
We first sang the song together and then acted out being little seeds, getting covered with dirt, sprinkled with water (tickles),  then pulling off the dirt (blanket) for air and sun.  Our little seeds grew so tall!

Our next activities:
We played "Build a Flower" by rolling the die, counting the dots, and finding the flower piece that matched the correct number.

Then flower puzzles,

and flower sizing small, medium, and big.

For story and snack time we read "A Rose in My Garden"--I loved this book as a kid, looking at all the different flowers growing in the garden, and also trying to find the little bugs hiding in the garden.  The girls really got into finding everything!