
Monday, March 23, 2015

U is for Up, Under, and UPS!

Wee School Letter U:  We started off our day reading Clorinda Takes Flight by Robert Kinerk.  This is a fun book about a cow who wants to fly, and so she builds all sorts of flying contraptions.  They all fall apart except the hot air balloon, which gets them across the ocean to visit the Queen, and then back again to their farm.  We had lots of fun picking out all the things in the book that go Up--an airplane, helicopter, etc.

Then we sat down for a thinking activity:  we had to separate the pictures of things that go Up and things that go Under.  The kiddos did great--some of the "Under" things were a little abstract...(grass grows Under our feet, a chair goes Under the table, we sleep Under the blankets, etc.)

Then we played Run Under the Broom (otherwise known as limbo...haha)

We finished off day 1 with the alphabet puzzle review.  The girls were really into finishing the puzzle!

Day 2 of letter U we took a field trip to the UPS plant (it helps to know someone on the inside)!  We had a UPS scavenger hunt: we had to find a UPS truck, UPS hat, box, conveyer belt, etc.  The managers very graciously took us on a tour, showed us the boxes, turned on the conveyer belt, and we got to go in a truck and everyone got to honk the horn!

we even got to line up holding safety signs!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tt is for...

Tt is for...
Our first day of school we talked about turtles.  We colored a turtle and glued triangles on the turtles.
 We then read the fable, "The Tortoise and the Hare".   We colored finger puppets and the kiddos showed me how fast the tortoise went and how fast the tortoise ran.
We also talked about other things that start with "t" so we went outside and walked around the yard.  We found a trampoline and spent a little time jumping.
 We also saw trees.  We looked at the trunk and the bud that will soon be leaves.  After some outside fun we headed inside to color a tree.  I know it's not Christmas but what kid doesn't love a Christmas Tree!  We glued talked about the different shapes and glued them on the tree.

Pp is for...

Pp is for..
For Wee School we talked about the letter P.  We read the story of the "Three Little Pigs"
we then colored finger puppets.  Using the finger puppets we acted out the story that we had just read.
 We also put together puzzles.
 On the second day of Wee School we did potato painting using potatoes and finger paints.  It was a hit!
 We played musical pillows.  Every time I took a pillow away they were a little frustrated since their wasn't enough pillows for everyone.  They thought it was fun to hurry and sit on the pillows when the music stopped.
I thought I had taken pictures but was not able to find them.  We talked about the color pink and since it was the week of valentines we decorated bags and the kiddos gave each other valentines!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Q and S, What!

Because of an awful bug roaming we had to skip our week of Qq. But we made up for it when we talked about warm quilts and quiet quick quails. We quilted a Qq to remember. And I forgot to get a pic.

Then we moved on to the letter S. And what begins with S? SNOW!!!!

We watched as the snow came quickly down.

We even made snowmen...out of paper.

 Then we talked about how the word silly also starts with an S and we made silly faces for the camera!

Our next meeting we read a story about a Sock monkey who saves the day when his owner forgets a key. Thanks Calvin for sharing!

We made some clay out of Salt and our hands tasted yucky after we played with our dough.
Lastly, we talked about Superheros and made masks to hide our identities.

Good Gracious the letter G got forgotten

Sorry everyone I have been horrible I think the alphabet has gotten all jumbled. Max was feeling under the weather for the letter so Joshie joined us.

We used yellow and blue to make green! And we played a Game of Golf.