
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Q and S, What!

Because of an awful bug roaming we had to skip our week of Qq. But we made up for it when we talked about warm quilts and quiet quick quails. We quilted a Qq to remember. And I forgot to get a pic.

Then we moved on to the letter S. And what begins with S? SNOW!!!!

We watched as the snow came quickly down.

We even made snowmen...out of paper.

 Then we talked about how the word silly also starts with an S and we made silly faces for the camera!

Our next meeting we read a story about a Sock monkey who saves the day when his owner forgets a key. Thanks Calvin for sharing!

We made some clay out of Salt and our hands tasted yucky after we played with our dough.
Lastly, we talked about Superheros and made masks to hide our identities.

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